Ashampoo Photo Organizer
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Share your ideas and wishes with us and participate with your voice in existing entries. Are there any other wishes open? With one click on "Create a Post" you are there. Please create a separate entry for each idea.
Share your ideas and wishes with us and participate with your voice in existing entries. Are there any other wishes open? With one click on "Create a Post" you are there. Please create a separate entry for each idea.
Thank you for providing your feedback.
To ensure clarity, may I confirm that you are referring to the rotation tool, which is located in the first tab of the editing settings as shown in the screenshot?
Best regards,
Para mi esta opcion no se para que si ya tienes la opcion de girar la foto. Seria una opcion si puedes ver y sacar las fotos en horizontal en HD.
At the moment, our Photos app does not include a photo rotation feature, which is what @derekdavies requested.
However, I am not entirely certain as there are also tools available that allow users to draw a line between two points, and the photo will be automatically rotated to straighten the line. This is horizontal correction. Affinity Photo is an example of an app that offers this feature. From what I can tell, the Windows 11 Photos app does not currently have this capability.